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Authority to Effect Forfeiture


Authority to Effect Forfeiture

Most commercial leases contain forfeiture rights involving peaceable re-entry. Dawkins Civil Enforcement Agents will attend with a locksmith, peaceably re-enter, change the locks and post notices of termination. An inventory and photographs will be provided for your records.

I/We hereby authorise J.P.DAWKINS LTD to effect peaceable re-entry and thereby secure forfeiture of the Lease between:

and to change locks, display necessary termination notices as required; and for so doing this shall be a sufficient warrant, authority and indemnification against all actions at Law, as well as all costs, charges or expenses which may reasonably be incurred by reason of your executing this warrant; and we hereby undertake not to hold you accountable for goods forcibly or clandestinely removed from the premises following their being made secure.

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